Voice; baritone

Listed below are some of my experiences as a choirster/solo singer, along with selected media! Please feel free to look around or contact me for bookings/performance opportunities.

Choral Ensembles

Rowan University Concert Choir
Voces XII
South Jersey Choral Arts
St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish

Notable Choral Works

  • Hodie - Vaughan Williams

  • Requiem - Faure

  • Rejoice in the Lamb - Britten

  • Chichester Psalm - Bernstein

  • Requiem for the Living - Forrest

  • Requiem - Durufle

  • Coronation Anthems - Handel

  • Requiem - Mozart

  • Cantata Misericordium - Britten

  • Requiem - Howells

  • Carmina Burana - Orff

  • Messiah - Handel

  • Five Mystical Songs - Vaughan Williams

  • Jephta - Carissimi

  • Marimba Concerto - Koshinski

  • Requiem - Verdi

  • Der Geist Hilft (BWV 226) - Bach

  • Requiem - Rutter

  • St. Matthew Passion (BWV 244) - Bach

Notable Solo Work

  • Messiah Arias - Handel

  • Revenge, Revenge Timotheus Cries (from Alexander’s Feast) - Handel

  • Et in Spiritum Sanctum (from B-Minor Mass, BWV 232) - Bach

  • Mache dich, mein Herze, rein (from Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244) - Bach

  • Ich habe genug (BWV 82) - bach

  • Jephta - Carissimi

  • Melodies Passageres - Barber

  • "Hai già vinta la causa / Vedrò mentre io sospiro" (from Le Nozze di Figaro) - Mozart

  • “Non Siate Ritrosi” (from Cosi fan tutte) - Mozart


Coming soon! :)